Babita Bharati

Babita Bharati

Copywriter / Content Writer / PR Writer / Editor

Dreaming The Night Before

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

I know it’s not just me. If it is, that would be so damn weird. I bet you have been in this stage too. 

I thoroughly apologize to you if I am being a tad bit cryptic here. But it is a bit hard to explain, freakish and deceptive too. Are you sure you want to wonder about something you never wasted 2 seconds of thoughts on? If yes, then let’s not drag this any further. 

Allow your humble friend here to draw you a pretty picture to understand the whole thing better. All so that we can steadily come on the same page.


Every night, the same…

Imagine you have been through a really draining day. You cannot wait to call it off and retire to your room for some solace for your tired mind and soul. With me till here? Good.

After washing your face and brushing your teeth, you just lie down on your bed resting your head on that soft-soft inviting pillow. At first, you think about all the important things you need to do the next day. A few minutes pass this way. Later, the mind wanders off and your thoughts start running wild. But after minutes of useless musings clouding your head, what happens next?

Come on, think hard! Usually, what happens next?

I will tell you, you suddenly (but drowsily) remember your last night’s dream. Don’t you?

Mentioning the phenomenon


Photo by Andreas Wagner on Unsplash

A large section of this world’s population generally does not remember its last night’s dream. Why it happens – I don’t know. I personally used to remember these dreams when I was a kid. But once I started growing up, the whole thing became obscured. Now, I forget my dreams as soon as I wake up.

However, the strange thing is that I remember them just before sleeping off again. In that twilight area where the consciousness is sinking under the horizon of deep sleep but slowly remembering previous night’s dream, the mind begins pondering upon it as its happenings hold a very important thread in my life. A thread that needs following upon to unravel the entire universe surrounding me.

That’s not it!

This does not just stay limited to dreams. 

Even though I don’t remember them, I get my best ideas during this sluggish epiphany. It’s as if at that moment my sub-consciousness or unconscious existence is trying to break through my barriers, and showing me a way to new ideas and entire new realms of possibilities. 

When I was a 1oth standard kid, I even solved an equation in my sleep. The next morning I woke with a start and began scribbling in my notebook the solution before it escaped from my conscious mind.


There is no conclusion to it at all. I am no researcher and can just share what I experience. However, the fact stays that yes I only remember my last night’s dream and come up with write-up ideas and poems just before I am about to doze off.

Next morning, there is literally nothing to hold onto or follow up on.

Does that happen to you too? Do share. 

P.S. – This phenomenon has been used in many novels too, like in Twilight Eclipse fantasy romance book Bella hears Jacob and Edward talking while she is sleeping.

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1 Comment

  1. Mukul Choudhary

    Nice one. Sometimes I wonder that too. Every morning I remember what was my last dream. But as the day start I start to forget about my dream and half a day passes and I completely forget the dream. It’s quite interesting to think about it. Nicely done.



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